Recovery from Bulimia
Do you have a secret life where food is concerned? Have you used compulsive exercise, laxatives or vomiting to try and control your weight? Have you tried every available bulimia treatment out there? Do you find it exhausting trying to maintain a ‘normal’ weight? Find out how our bulimic members have turned their lives around through the Twelve Steps of AEA.
These are the stories of how some of our members came to find a solution to their bulimia in Addictive Eaters Anonymous. This way of life is available to you, too. We suggest you read these stories of eating disorder recovery with an open mind. Focus on the similarities, rather than the differences. Whatever your problem with food, AEA can help.
Listen to an AEA member's experience of recovery from Bulimia
AEA Stories
Any opinions expressed in these stories are those of the individual members, and do not necessarily reflect those of AEA as a whole.