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Join others in sharing experience, strength and hope
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Wherever you are in the world AEA can help
Online Meetings
Australia & New Zealand Region
NZST Time Zone
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Ireland, UK & Europe Region
GMT+1 Time Zone
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United States Region
PST Time Zone
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DenmarkCopenhagen Thursday 7.00pm - 8.00pm Please note there will be no meetings on 6/2, 13/3, 10/4 Cafe Den Varme Stue Rigensgade 21, the basement, 1316 København K, Denmark (Next to Jerusalem Church, close to Østerport Station) Google maps
IrelandDublin Monday 7.30pm - 8.30pm Email for meeting venue details. +3531 554 9725
New ZealandChristchurch Monday 7.30pm - 8.30pm Aldersgate Building, 309 Durham Street North. On the corner of Durham Street North & Chester Street West. Entrance from car park on Chester Street West. Google maps +64 3 662 9128 _________________________ Christchurch Friday 7.30pm - 8.30pm Meeting Room St Marks Presbyterian Church, 150 Withells Road, Avonhead Google maps +64 3 662 9128 __________________________ Wellington Thursday 7.30pm - 8.30pm Harakeke Room. Newtown Community Centre 7 Colombo Street. On the corner of Colombo Street and Rintoul Street. Newtown Google maps +64 4 555 0269
ScotlandGlasgow Tuesday 7.00pm - 8.00pm Email for venue details. +44 330 1333 615
United StatesCalifornia Wednesday 7.30pm - 8.30pm Orange Seventh-Day Adventist 1310 E Walnut Ave Orange, CA 92867 USA Google maps +1 657 999 3303
Face-to-Face Meetings
AEA Web Event

The Web Event is a monthly online meeting where AEA members from all over the world come together to share their experience, strength and hope. Three members speak for 10 minutes each, followed by member sharing.
For more info and the date of the next web event.
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