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Addictive Eaters Anonymous Steps Blog


In these blogs, members share their experience of living each of the Twelve Steps. All the readings referred to come from the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Our membership is diverse with people coming to the fellowship from a variety of backgrounds, and these stories represent the experience, strength and hope of individual AEA members. Any opinions expressed in these blogs are those of the individual authors, and not necessarily those of AEA as a whole.

Visit our Meetings Page for online and face to face meeting details. We also host regular AEA Web Events where members share their experience, strength, and hope. Join from any device. All are welcome. See details of the next AEA web event.

AEA Member Step Blog Posts

Experiencing powerlessness with Step One

Coming to believe
with Step Two

Surrendering for life
with Step Three

Looking at myself
with Step Four

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