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Addictive Eaters Anonymous Recovery Blog
Our membership is diverse with people coming to the fellowship from a variety of backgrounds, and these stories represent the experience, strength and hope of individual AEA members. Any opinions expressed in these blogs are those of the individual authors, and not necessarily those of AEA as a whole.
Please see our Meetings Page for details of online meetings and face to face meeting times and venues. We also have regular AEA Web Events where AEA members share their experience, strength and hope online. Participants can join the web event from their phone, desktop, mobile and tablet devices. All are welcome. See details of the next AEA Web Event.
AEA Member Blog Posts
Eating over Christmas and New Year’s Resolutions to diet are in the past
If you had asked me when I was active in addiction what the meaning of Christmas was, I would have told you, the substantial amount of...
Feb 23
“Freely Give, Freely Receive” - an experience of sponsorship in Addictive Eaters Anonymous
I was at an Addictive Eaters Anonymous meeting recently where someone shared that although she couldn’t always see the changes in herself...
Dec 16, 2024
I have learned a way of life that enables me to stay still and sober even when difficult feelings arise
For the past 15 years, I have been blessed with sobriety and the ability to avoid eating over my feelings, when I am agitated or...
Jan 22, 2024
Living a life of service
When I finally surrendered after seven years in the programme, my life was a mess, my mind was a disaster zone and I had no peace. One...
Sep 11, 2023
Things have changed a lot in my life: I realised I was the problem and I stopped blaming others
Things have changed a lot in my life: I realised I was the problem and I stopped blaming others.
May 20, 2023
Here in AEA was the answer to all my problems - a Power greater than myself
Although I did my best, for the first 15 years of being in a 12 Step fellowship, I knew I hadn't quite got it. Eventually, I met a woman...
Sep 10, 2022
The Twelve Steps work - whether one at a time or in combination
Right now I am focusing on being open and honest about my life with myself and with my sponsor. I don’t overthink, “Now, I am going to...
Aug 23, 2022
My binge eating finally forced me to work the 12 Steps and open my mind
While a member of Alcoholics Anonymous, attending 12 Step meetings for years, I got by working the first half of the First Step. I...
Jul 9, 2022
Life in Addictive Eaters Anonymous provides me with the freedom to have great adventures
Before I came into the fellowship of Addictive Eaters Anonymous, I lived full of fear, resentment, self-pity, shame, and self-obsession....
Jun 9, 2022
I knew I was a food addict and I had to come back to Addictive Eaters Anonymous to find recovery
Many years ago, when I first heard sober members sharing, I had no problem believing I was an addictive eater. The food really had me. I...
May 10, 2022
My bingeing and vomiting was diagnosed as an eating disorder - it was addiction
When I was in college, nearly twenty years ago now, I did an online quiz on eating disorders. It concluded I had an eating disorder,...
Mar 28, 2022
Here in AEA was the answer to all my problems - a Power greater than myself
The Big Book makes it clear that I have to replace my old way of life with a Power greater than myself. Here was the answer to my problems.
Feb 13, 2022
All is well since AEA's 12 Steps freed me from addictive eating and self-centred thoughts
Right now, all is fundamentally well. I have taken a few minutes to write as three preschoolers play around me. I have an opportunity to...
Nov 29, 2021
Daily structure helped reconnect me with my Higher Power for an enjoyable life
The first thing that came into my life when I started going to meetings in a 12 Step fellowship was some daily structure.
Sep 10, 2021
Working the steps for a life of sobriety in Addictive Eaters Anonymous
Working the steps for a life of sobriety in Addictive Eaters Anonymous. It has been a long time now since I have eaten addictively.
Jul 22, 2021
I have received the gift of sobriety through trust and constant surrender of my self-seeking ways
As I approach my tenth year in a 12-Step programme, I appreciate how many blessings have come into my life that I could not have even...
Jun 15, 2021
Finally free of compulsive exercise, addictive eating, anger and self-obsession
Seventeen years ago I didn’t know what was wrong with me, but I knew something wasn’t right. I was often angry, confused, and troubled....
May 23, 2021
Living in the solution
Living in the solution in Addictive Eaters Anonymous - Surrender, sponsorship, spirituality and service help me to achieve sobriety.
Apr 10, 2021
Sobriety in Addictive Eaters Anonymous transformed my unmanageable life
I knew I was powerless over food, because of my eating. I could see how powerless I was, but I didn't understand my unmanageable life.
Mar 16, 2021
What it was like, what happened and what it is like now
What it was like - eating addictively was torment every day I woke up each morning, beating myself up for bingeing the day before. The...
Feb 9, 2021
“First Things First” - Recovery in Addictive Eaters Anonymous is my priority today
How has the slogan “First Things First” helped me recover from addictive eating? My sponsor made it very clear to me that her recovery...
Jan 16, 2021
Am I entirely ready? - experience of Step Six in Addictive Eaters Anonymous
After sharing my inventory in Step Five, I thought I was ready for Step Six, ‘Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of...
Dec 11, 2020
Even the way I treat my dogs has improved in Addictive Eaters Anonymous
On the outside, my life looks similar to the way it used to before I found recovery in Addictive Eaters Anonymous. But a closeup view of...
Nov 14, 2020
Bingeing, restricting and over exercising masked my feelings of restlessness and irritability
I am restless today. I want some excitement. I want to change my reality. Nothing actually bad is happening today. But it’s there.
Oct 9, 2020
My binge eating was out of control but now I pray and meditate
My life is no longer ruled by food, I have stopped binge eating and stayed stopped. With the help of AEA I have a new way of life.
Sep 13, 2020
I have learnt how to deal with resentments and stay sober in Addictive Eaters Anonymous
After two decades of sobriety, I know I am not cured of the disease of addictive eating and that I can’t afford resentments.
Aug 11, 2020
A Life of Addiction and Loneliness Transformed in Addictive Eaters Anonymous
A Life of Addiction and Loneliness Transformed in Addictive Eaters Anonymous. A dramatic change from when I was in full-blown addiction.
Jul 14, 2020
By answering “Yes” to two simple questions my life changed.
Nearly three years ago my current sponsor twelfth-stepped me. How did it happen and what does it mean? We’d been going to the same...
May 24, 2020
Spiritual Discipline - Why I need to surrender to what is suggested in AEA
I really don’t want to write a blog today. That’s the plain and simple truth of the matter. But, experience in sobriety has shown me that...
Apr 14, 2020
Light and easy days, free of depressive eating, bingeing and procrastination
Gone are the days of sitting depressed in my flat, unable to function when all I could do was sit and eat, frozen with fear. I am amazed...
Apr 14, 2020
The Twelve Step programme of recovery is a simple programme for complicated people like me
To start with my experience: Keeping it simple has been one of the hardest things for me in my time in Addictive Eaters Anonymous. It...
Apr 9, 2020
Lockdown Blog Posts
Lockdown: Once an opportunity to isolate and eat now a chance to be still and serve others
Lockdown would not have scared me. I used to love total isolation. I loved being at home, being under the duvet and eating.
Jun 13, 20204 min read
Coping with Lockdown in Recovery from Addictive Eating
During this time of lockdown, I am loving attending lots of online meetings from around the world.
Apr 28, 20205 min read
An Addictive Eater Locked Down: Then and Now
I never had to face a total lockdown while I was in active addiction to food and exercise.
Apr 28, 20205 min read
Member Recovery Stories
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